The Top Ten destinations for Medical Tourism

The Top Ten destinations for Medical Tourism
- Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Bangkok, Thailand
- Chennai, India
- Seeoul, South Korea
- Taipei City,Taiwan
- Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Singapore, an island city-state
- Istanbul,Turkey
- Panama City, Panama

In the dentistry field, tourists are getting dental implants, veneers and crowns. With respect to plastic surgery, liposuction, breast implants and rhinoplasty are the top choices. Tourists in Puerto Vallarta are also coming for hair transplants, and bariatric surgery, gastric sleeve and gastric bybass.

The quality, service and professionalism are rated high which is why if you are looking for something in the medical tourism, Puerto Vallarta is one of your best destinations.
Main image photo credit copyright sudok1