Hope for the Travel industry

Hope for the Travel industry
In Canada, there has been a 14 day quarantine imposed on Canadians returning from international flights. This meant a Canadian wanting to go on a ten day vacation, would need 10 days vacation plus 14 days quarantine off work. As of Monday, both Calgary and Ontario premiers are pushing to drop the 14 day quarantine period and replace it with rapid testing (Covid). Doug Ford, the Ontario premier wants to scrap the quarantine and is hoping the federal Canadain government will get on board. For some, the government has instilled so much fear that they may think this is a bad idea. For many, they see it as a sign of hope.
The travel industry drives economies around the world with tourism dollars. Puerto Vallarta is such a destination, a travel destination for many tourists from around the world. The airlines have lost 90 percent of their revenue and have grounded many of their planes. They are at the brink of bankruptcy and this may all come a little too late. Hotels have been operating at a restricted capacity; these choke holds on the travel industry need to be loosened if the world is going to recover from this economic hardship.
Now months ago, if you could restrict travel to stop the Covid virus from entering your country, then that was a great defence but Covid is already everywhere. People want their lives back, their freedoms. Many have lost jobs, businesses have closed that will never reopen. Large chains stores have filed for bankruptcy. Damage has been done. It is time to spread our wings, be free again... travel.
As a traveler, I believe it is time to start living again. Ask yourself, do you deserve a vacation? I believe that answer is yes! Sunshine, pools, oceans and sandy beaches. Mexico does not impose quarantines so the beach is just a flight away. See you at the pool.