Finding a honest Contractor in PuertoVallarta

Finding a honest Contractor in PuertoVallarta
Many tourists, expats, and as some call us, gringos, know there is sometimes two prices when negotiating services here in Puerto Vallarta. A local price and a gringo price. Whether you are looking for an electrical, plumbing, gas repair, air conditioning installation, carpenter or just a general contractor, and you find one that gives you the same price as a local, you just want to tell everybody.
Being an American or a Canadian, it is on a daily basis that we see the hustle. Honesty is hard to find, so is you have a contractor to recommend, email his info to I will start the list andovertime, as I receive your recommendations, I will add to this list of honest contractors in Puerto Vallarta.
1. Contractors PV Architecture & Construction firm Renovations, Kitchens / Bathrooms, New Construction, Pools / Spa 322 229 3688
2. SEI Servicios Electomecanicos Industriales Gas leak repairs, plumber, electrician, air conditioning, etc 322 127 7481