Perritus Place Vallarta

Perritus Place Vallarta
Special Instructions and Photo Credit
2nd location: Avenida de las palmas #136, Mariano otero Puerto Vallarta Jalisco
Business Hours
Las Palmas 9:30 am - 2:00 pm, and 4:00 pm - 7:30 pm Aldanaca 178 local 4 hours Mon to Fri 9am to 7 pm Sat 9am to 2pmAbout Us
Perritus Place Veterinary Clinic and grooming is a company that specializes in the care of your pets. In Perritus Place, our goal is the well-being of your pet. Our Preventive Medicine system helps your furry dogs live healthier for longer. Our services include: Medical consultation, Clinical analysis, X-rays, Ultrasound, surgeries, Dental cleaning, Feline and Canine Hotel, Pension, Feline and canine Aesthetics, Accessories, and Food sales. Bilingual Spanish and English. You also can find , Nexgard, Nupec, Bravecto. Medical food for Kidney,Urology, Gastrointestinal and skin care
We have 2 locations
We also post our promotions on our Facebook page

Servicio a Domicilo con Cargo extra
NO salgas de casa, nosotros pasamos porellos. Envíanos un WhatsApp. Servicio de Recolección redondo.

Grooming Service
We bath and cut the hair to your dog & cat prices from $180 pesos

Vaccine package
New member of the family? we have all the vaccines to protect him!!! Rabies Bordetella Puppy vaccine Multiple adult vaccine leptospira vaccine distemper vaccine feline leukymia vaccine Feline triple vaccine

Entrega de alimento a DOMICILIO
Manejamos todas las marcas disponibles. Mandanos mensaje a nuestro WhatsApp y te cotizamos cualquier bulto de alimento.

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Muy amables y atentos 5 stars
Excelente servicio, mi cachorra quedó muy bella con su corte de cabello, le pusieron un pañuelito y la trataron con mucho amor. Excellent service, my puppy was very beautiful with her haircut, they put a handkerchief and treated her with a lot of love
Great service, they treat Chloe, my dog, like family.
Our Location
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We are on the first page of Google in many categories because business owners update their page with weekly or daily specials. It is powerful. You control your own page. You have the ability to immediate edit and add your content. Owners are featuring promotions and events, and then sharing. That is the equation to more traffic and success. If that is not enough, ask to be featured in an article on our blog.
REGISTEROur Facebook Group
We have our own Facebook group to help reach a bigger audience. It is free to use and continues to grow with both local residents and foreigners who live or visit Puerto Vallarta. It is all about networking and tools. Our website plus our Facebook Group make it easy for you to promote your business. Join and invite some friends; that is how WE grow. In one year, we grew to 6,000+ members.
Join Facebook GroupJoin the Top Ten Team!
Our price $4000 pesos for 1 year so register now . Your page will be part of the top ten network that is in every language, in many cities, and offers many 1st page advertising spots, allows edits and feature specials, and promotes your business through social media sharing.
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