Kroma Impresiones

Kroma Impresiones
Business Hours
Monday to Friday 9:30AM–7PM Saturday 9:30AM–2PM Sunday ClosedAbout Us
Diseño Gráfico, Impresión y Publicidad. Design, Graphics, Printing and Advertising.
Gran Formato:
Gran Formato: Lona, Banners, Vinil autoadherible, Papel, Vinil Microperforado

Formato Pequeño:
Impresión Digital Láser: Tarjetas, Volantes, Etiquetas, Pósters, Boletos, Menús.

Business Cards
Nuestras tarjetas de visita están impresas con papel de alta calidad.

Love our business by sharing
After using other printing companies, and being disappointed, I was very happy to find Kroma Printing. The quality and feel of my new business cards made me happy. Business cards are one of my tools to earn an income so I wanted a good quality printer. Thank you Kroma Printing. Ray
Our Location
A network website with social media sharing where "businesses work together building traffic."
** The Power of Social Media Networking**
300+ business owners sharing
We are on the first page of Google in many categories because business owners update their page with weekly or daily specials. It is powerful. You control your own page. You have the ability to immediate edit and add your content. Owners are featuring promotions and events, and then sharing. That is the equation to more traffic and success. If that is not enough, ask to be featured in an article on our blog.
REGISTEROur Facebook Group
We have our own Facebook group to help reach a bigger audience. It is free to use and continues to grow with both local residents and foreigners who live or visit Puerto Vallarta. It is all about networking and tools. Our website plus our Facebook Group make it easy for you to promote your business. Join and invite some friends; that is how WE grow. In one year, we grew to 6,000+ members.
Join Facebook GroupJoin the Top Ten Team!
Our price $4000 pesos for 1 year so register now . Your page will be part of the top ten network that is in every language, in many cities, and offers many 1st page advertising spots, allows edits and feature specials, and promotes your business through social media sharing.
Related Businesses and Deals
Vision Grafica
Address: Benemérito de las Americas 239-, A, Valentín Gómez Farias
Phone: 322 137 2655 / 322 131 5384
Category: Printing Services