SafetyWing Nomad Insurance

SafetyWing Nomad Insurance
Special Instructions and Photo Credit
Rate calculator available on our website.
Business Hours
24 hoursAbout Us
SafetyWing Nomad Insurance is affordable and now covers COVID-19. This travel medical insurance covers people from all over the world, while outside their home country. You can sign up for SafetyWing insurance even if your journey has already started. Visit our website to see the price calculator. Travel can have unforeseen things happen. Includes coverage for travel delay, lost checked luggage, emergency response, and natural disasters. See website for benefits. SafetyWing has that type of insurance and it very affordable. It is called Nomad Insurance, a travel medical insurance covering people from all over the world, while outside their home country.
safetyWing Nomad Insurance
Includes travel medical and travel.

Nomad Insurance
Buy Abroad, stay Abroad. Now covers COVID-19

Great Value
Completely reliable, always available, extremely flexible, great rates.

Love our business by sharing
After 6 years of traveling all over the world and visiting over 136 countries in 7 continents, we eventually found ourselves in a situation where we really needed our travel insurance! Throughout the whole process, I was always able to speak to someone in the emergency team and they dealt directly with the hospital to send the Guarantees of Payment so that treatment would not be delayed. We know that it would easily have been over £10,000.
My recent dengue fever adventure resulted in a $4000 hospital bill, thankfully taken care of by SafetyWing ← highly recommended.
I got severely sick in Bali when I got the Measles in combination with Pneumonia. My health situation got so serious that I had to get hospitalized. Luckily Nelly signed us up for SafetyWing, the Travel Medical Insurance, before our trip. This was definitely a life saver considering the circumstances.
Our Location
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** The Power of Social Media Networking**
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We are on the first page of Google in many categories because business owners update their page with weekly or daily specials. It is powerful. You control your own page. You have the ability to immediate edit and add your content. Owners are featuring promotions and events, and then sharing. That is the equation to more traffic and success. If that is not enough, ask to be featured in an article on our blog.
REGISTEROur Facebook Group
We have our own Facebook group to help reach a bigger audience. It is free to use and continues to grow with both local residents and foreigners who live or visit Puerto Vallarta. It is all about networking and tools. Our website plus our Facebook Group make it easy for you to promote your business. Join and invite some friends; that is how WE grow. In one year, we grew to 6,000+ members.
Join Facebook GroupJoin the Top Ten Team!
Our price $4000 pesos for 1 year so register now . Your page will be part of the top ten network that is in every language, in many cities, and offers many 1st page advertising spots, allows edits and feature specials, and promotes your business through social media sharing.
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Address: Plaza San Marino, Av Fluvial Vallarta No. 260-Local 8
Phone: 322 117 5005
Category: Insurance