Heggerwood Realms: Copy, Line & Story Editing / Publishing Service

Heggerwood Realms: Copy, Line & Story Editing / Publishing Service
About Us
Contact Heggerwood Realms by email for a free 1000-word sample edit. We help writers around the world. Our professional services include copy, line and story editing, Ebook and paperback formatting, cover design, and small press publishing. Rachel at Heggerwood Realms makes sure that your text is readable, accurate and ready for publication. Heggerwood Realms works on publications of all kinds ~ book manuscripts, magazine and newspaper articles, dissertations, tenders ~ and checks text to ensure it is well written, grammatically correct and logically structured.
The Borderer Chronicles by Mark Montgomery
Please email for a price list. Heggerwood Realms works on all kinds of publications.

Shifts in Time by Ray Smith
Buy the first in his sci-fi series. Ray Smith is a Canadian best-selling author who discovered his forte in science fiction, Ray Smith hits light speed with alien adventure and world espionage series.
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The Jack Turner Adventures by N W Vance
Free 1000-word sample edits.

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Having an editor that also motivates you is priceless. Here are a few words from one of her emails "Wow! You have written some seriously good emotion in those two chapters. You had me in tears at one point! Must say, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your manuscript... great story, super characters, well composed." Ray Smith, Author Shifts in Time
A discerning, empathetic editor is treasure to a writer. Only a few make the grade and can bring polish and clarity to a writer's vision. Rachel Bonde of Heggerwood Realms is by far the best editor I have encountered. Mark Montgomery, Author Borderer Chronicles Daisy Chain
A network website with social media sharing where "businesses work together building traffic."
** The Power of Social Media Networking**
300+ business owners sharing
We are on the first page of Google in many categories because business owners update their page with weekly or daily specials. It is powerful. You control your own page. You have the ability to immediate edit and add your content. Owners are featuring promotions and events, and then sharing. That is the equation to more traffic and success. If that is not enough, ask to be featured in an article on our blog.
REGISTEROur Facebook Group
We have our own Facebook group to help reach a bigger audience. It is free to use and continues to grow with both local residents and foreigners who live or visit Puerto Vallarta. It is all about networking and tools. Our website plus our Facebook Group make it easy for you to promote your business. Join and invite some friends; that is how WE grow. In one year, we grew to 6,000+ members.
Join Facebook GroupJoin the Top Ten Team!
Our price $4000 pesos for 1 year so register now . PuertoVallartaTopTen.com: Your page will be part of the top ten network that is in every language, in many cities, and offers many 1st page advertising spots, allows edits and feature specials, and promotes your business through social media sharing.
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